ft. Cada 1,0 L de produto comercial/ha equivale a 250 g i. Read on to learn more about this vehicle's availability, customization options, spawn locations, and more! The Schyster Fusilade is a type of Car found in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5). 2/1152-1/2017 1. (1/ Herbicide. PROTEJA-SE. FUSILADE II TURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE. Apply FUSILADE 2000 IE and Cygon 400 in the tank mix when required according to the weed and insect problems present. In the compatibility test, the NEPET11 isolate exhibited reduced viability due to the products Poquer, Tiguer 100 EC, Actara 250 WG, and Gaucho FS. Fusilade DX Herbicide Page 2 DIRECTIONS FOR USE Fusilade DX Rate Conversion Table Fl oz product/acre Lb ai fluazifop/acre 4 0. I have been using a very low concentration of Fusilade II (less than 50% label) in late summer to suppress the Bermuda grass in Fescue lawn, then 2-3 weeks later as the Bermuda grass is "bleaching", I'll then mechanically remove what appears to be unhealthy Bermuda grass from my Fescue. FISPQ - CYPRESS. polo_500_sc_0. TARGETS: Control of wild-oats, volunteer cereals and other grass weeds, post-emergence in broad-leaved crops and other situations. epaper read . com fusilade 250 ew . Fenilbutazona OF. EPA Reg. GRAMOXONE 250. Hope this. 12. No additional wetter is required. Avantaje. Optigard AB (2009) Optigard AB (2009) rei estacio. 5% fluazifop-P-butyl ) says that to over-spray zoysia, apply at 3-4 ounces Fusilade II per acre along with a nonionic surfactant, starting late spring (June 1), and repeat every 28-30 days. Close suggestions Search Search. Raquel Souza. Sapatos fechados, vestimenta de segurança para proteção de todo o corpo. fispqbicalcico. 250 HERBICIDE NON-CROPPED FIELD MARGINS (BOUNDARY STRIPS) 1–1. FUSILADE FORTE, erbicid postemergent ce asigura o combatere eficienta a buruienilor monocotiledonate anuale si perene din foarte multe culturi. SREDSTVO ZA ZAŠTITU BILJA. Seleccionar opciones. 480 SC Insecticide. 00 inc. PARAQUAT. 100-1070 EPA Est. Fast and Reliable results, Fusilade Max is a fast acting formulation utilising Isolink technology for optimised performance. Excellent control of a wide range of annual and perennial grasses will be obtained with FUSILADE 4E when applied as recommended on this label. 1. For best results, make applications in spring and fall and avoid treatments during July and August. Raquel Souza. FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitors of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of. z o. Soluble Concentrate. Osmar Jr. Selectividad FUSILADE® 2000 EC, puede aplicarse sobre cañas vecinas a cultivos de hoja ancha (soya, algodón, cebolla, tomate, fríjol, etc. 1. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide is rainfast in one hour. Etiketa (123 Kb) Bezpečnostní list (187 Kb) Přeprava (93 Kb) Formulace. Water Fluazifop-p-butyl is not water-soluble. recomendados para. Fusilade Forte® 150 EC may be a pplied through any sprayer fitted with normal fan, cone or flood jet nozzles. FORTNATE T8020 FISPQ . If airborne dust is generated, use local exhaust ventilation controls. comMode of Action. AMERIS, GOAL® BR e o FUSILADE® 250 EW causaram médio enrugamento das raquetes jovens da . Costreiul (Sorghum) din rizomi (când plantele de costrei au. fluazifop-P-butyl - 150 g. 0 Print date 10/06/2019 GB - en 1/8 3558 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. Geral. A selective post emergent herbicide, Fusilade II turf and ornamental herbicide controls a long list of both perennial and annual grass weeds in landscaped areas, roadsides, field grown ornamentals, greenhouses,. 3, 0. Es un producto sistémico que le brinda protección a su cultivo a todo nivel, por su triple acción (protectora, curativa y erradicante). fabianoluciano. ha-1), haloxyfop-methyl (commercial product: Verdict-R, recomended dose at 60 g i. İlaçlamadan bir saat sonra yağan yağmurdan etkilenmez. EPA Reg. I have an old lawn and the grass in unwanted areas has always been a problem. c/ha, dependendo da planta daninha a serFUSILADE 125 Dados técnicos • Nome comum do ingrediente ativo: FLUAZIFOP−P−BUTIL • Registro no Ministério da Agricultura e do Abastecimento: nº 02288794 • Classe: herbicida graminicida sistêmico do grupo químico do aril oxi fenoxi propionato • Composição: ♦ Butil(R)−2−(4−(5−trifluorometil−2−piridiloxi)−fenoxi. 14 oz/1000 sq. NV- 040006 For Quackgrass Control in Alfalfa Grown for Seed and Clover Grown for Seed FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND PRECAUTIONS ON THIS LABEL MAY RESULT IN POOR PEST CONTROL, CROP INJURY, OR ILLEGAL RESIDUES. Water Fluazifop-p-butyl is not water-soluble. 10. The agitation system should be running during mixing and spraying. O produto é um herbicida composto por Fluasifope-P-Butílico, que apresenta mecanismo de ação dos Inibidores da ACCase (Acetil CoA carboxilase),. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 375 30 0. É um herbicida muito ativo Fusilade FUSILADE 250 EW - adapar. Datorită sinergiei celor două substanțe active, fungicidul ZANTARA® 216 EC controlează eficient boli dificil de combătut, precum: septorioze, rugini, făinare, arsuri, pătarea reticulară, sfâșierea frunzelor. Values are not product specifications. Poliol - Fortnol p8030 Fispq. Tamara Matte Fiorini. 10. WSSA Resistance Group: 1. CAUTION See additional Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use inside booklet. 6. Recomendação geral As gotas devem ter um diâmetro de 250 a 300 micras com 30 a 40 gotas/cm². Frases de perigo: H312 Pode ser nocivo em contato com a pele. COMPATIBILITY3 Rudosios rūdys (Puccinia recondita) Varpų fuzariozė (Fusarium spp. Fusilade® Forte* 150 EC Betanal Progress 274 OF chwasty jednoliścienne jednoroczne i perz właściwy + chwasty dwuliścienne I 1,25 + 1,0 dwa zabiegi w dawkach dzielonych (drugi po 5-10 dniach) II 1,25 + 1,0 * Fusilade® Forte 150 EC zastosować łącznie z drugą i trzecią dawką preparatu Betanal Progress 274 OF, stosowanegoFusilade ® II herbicide is a selective post emergent turf and ornamental herbicide that controls a long list of both perennial and annual grass weeds in a variety of turf and landscape areas. Leia mais Herbicida. Em conformidade com a NBR 14725-4:2014. pdf. PHI (Days) - n/a. Strada Provinciale per Torre Beretti, Km 2,6 - Mezzana Bigli -27030, Provincia di Pavia – Itália . Read more Herbicide. Make applications to actively growing grasses 2-6 inches tall for annuals and 6-10 inches tallFUSILADE ® MAX . ddvp1000ce_fispq. 5% rather than 1. 20 40 60 80 10 %. The Schyster Fusilade is a type of Car found in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5). . É. Published on: June 18, 2014. Bula Completa 04. a. 2022 Herbicida Authorisation Number: 005796 Composição: 250 g/L Fluazifope-P-Butílico Formulação: Emulsão Óleo em Água (EW) Product Overview Registration. 2 Exposure controls Engineering measures : Containment and/or segregation is the most reliable technical protection measureif exposurecannot be eliminated. julioebc2014. Chemical Family: Aryloxy-phenoxypropionates. ÁGUA SANITÁRIA Q -ÓTIMO. Desde $ 28,000 – $ 226,600. Sandro. Fusilade Forte se primenjuje u količini od:Fusilade II Herbicide Syngenta EPA Registration #: 100-1084. Ana Flávia. Comp 150 - Fispq. If agitation ceases and settlement occurs, agitate thoroughly before spraying. 20131211045447fispq Nafta Petroquímica. Category Kategorie Target organism Teikenorganisme Active ingredient/s. picture_as_pdf Fusilade Forte Label - English (604. Fungicide Rust tebuconazole Curfew 250 EW 3 L9327 Cedar Fall Properties 130 (Pty) Ltd Fungicide Rust tebuconazole Folicur 250 EW 3 L3857 Bayer (Pty) Ltd. Formuláció: emulzióképző koncentrátum (EC) Hatáskifejtés: acetil-koenzim-A karboxiláz (ACCáz) enzim gátlása révén megakadályozza a zsírsav bioszintézist. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. maia. 045173/2016-01 21000. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product identifier on FUSILADE®label: IITURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE Product No. Resolva Inseticida Hidrossoluvel 0. (Viveiro de mudas) Mancha-de-olho-pardo Cercospora coffeicola 35 mL/100 L de água 100 a : SCORE Bula Completa – 04. Chemical Name: (R)-2- [4- [ [5-trifluoromethyl]-2-pyridinyl]oxy]phenoxy]propanoic acid. Herbicida seletivo, de ação sistêmica. Aplicado em pós-emergência inicial (até 8 folhas), apresenta alta eficácia no controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes. Laboratory studies on volunteer wheat and barley have confirmed that light rainfall after spraying has little - if any - effect on performance. EUH-statements : EUH401 - To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the. Considerandose que o mofo-branco (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) é um. gov. FISPQ- Acido Sulfurico. Formulação: Emulsão Óleo em Água (EW). For resistance management purposes, it is a Group A herbicide. 0 37 DAP 5 haloxyfop-R methyl ester2 96. Ken Espino. A . Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando-se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. 2023 4/11 7. Substanță activă. 08. Sapatos fechados, vestimenta de segurança para proteção de todo o corpo. 01. Non-cropped fi eld margins apply November, December. Simazina. Raquel Souza. FISPQ. One of the reasons is that Syngenta did not want the liability arising from misapplication. Crop Protection Pack size: 1 litres Active Ingredient: Fluazifop-p-butyl 150 g/l Formulation: Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) Rates: Per 20l Knapsack - 150ml Per Acre - 600ml. Karate Zeon 250 Cs 1. FUSILADE FORTE 150 EC naikina vienmetes ir daugiametes vienaskiltes piktžoles rapsuose, grikiuose, runkeliuose, ankštinėse kultūrose, daržovėse, vaismedžių soduose, uogakrūmiuose ir kt. Dandara. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. FUSILADE 250 EW FISPQ Produto: FICHA DE INFORMAÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA DE PRODUTOS QUÍMICOS Perigos térmicos: Não apresenta perigos térmicos. (EW) Modo de Ação: Seletivo, Sistêmico. Fungicid cu acțiune sistemică pentru combaterea bolilor la grâu, orz, rapiță, sâmburoase, măr, viță de vie, tomate și castraveți, precum și pentru utilizarea ca regulator de creștere la rapiță, în tratamentele de toamnă. FUSILADE MAX ® é um herbicida sistémico, formulado com base na substância ativa fluazifope -P-butilo. 7 ^ 1. priori_top_0. en Change Language. FUSILADE 250 EW - adapar. Registrado no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - MAPA sob nº: 005796. FUSILADE Bula Completa- 19. produto: Principais usos LUBRIFICANTE PARA ENGRENAGENS INDUSTRIAIS. 5 l/fed and glyphosate applied pre-emergence at 0. 250 g/L. HAZARDS. 2021 6 4) Quando a área a ser tratada apresenta plantas daninhas em estágios de crescimento muito variáveis (infestação desuniforme). TIPO DE FORMULAÇÃO: EMULSÃO DE ÓLEO EM ÁGUA (EW) TITULAR DO REGISTRO (*): Syngenta Proteção de Cultivos Ltda. Dicamba Herbicide Tank-Mix Option. Indicações de Uso. FUSILADE® DX HERBICIDE 1. Jan 1993; 185;Produkto forma: koncentruota emulsija. Leia mais. 28. Use: Herbicide . MERISTO. Causar Dano Agudo : Inflamabilidade: Não Classificado. Fusilade Forte 1lt. Toll free number timings: 6 AM - 10 PM (Monday to Saturday) and 9 AM - 5 PM (Sunday). priori_top_0. BULA. 250 EW tebuconazole 250 g/l 25 WG tebuconazole 25 % 25 EW tebuconazole 250 g/l 65 WP tebuconazole tolylfluanid 15 % 50 % 290 EC tebuconazole tridemorph 125 g/l 165 g/l 300 SC tebuconazole carbendazim 167 g/l 133 g/l METHODS OF RESIDUE ANALYSIS Tebuconazole is determined in plant material and soil by gas. Filipe Ceolin. Εγγυημένη σύνθεση: Fluazifop-p-butyl: 12,5% β/ο Βοηθητικές ουσίες: 86,63% β/β Κατηγορία & Τρόπος Δράσης: Εκλεκτικό διασυστηματικό ζιζανιοκτόνο φυλλώματος για τη μεταφυτρωτική καταπολέμηση αγρωστωδών ζιζανίων. Aplicação única: Deve ser feita na área total infestada com plantas daninhas e, geralmente, ocorre entre 20 e 30 dias após o plantio da cultura. P. Dayse. apply a total of morelhan:)6 oz. Laboratory studies on volunteer wheat and barley have confirmed that light rainfall after spraying has little - if any - effect on performance. replicates was used, in which fluazifop-p-b utyl (Fusilade 250 EW. Fusilade Forte 250 ml /delta/ Be the first to review this product. Analysis: 128g/L Fluazifop-P Product Details: FUSILADE FORTE provides powerful, post-emergent control of many annual grasses and certain perennial grasses in dozens of horticultural crops, ornamentals and nursery trees. /25 gals. FUSILADE EC® es nocivo o fatal para todas las plantas gramíneas. crescimento de insetos. Product. MOD DE ACŢIUNE: • RIZA® 250 EW aparţine grupului de inhibitori ai demetilării sterolilor. TWINAX Xtra. A few years ago it became apparent from conversations and emails that the use of Fusilade (fluazifop-P-butyl, manufactured by Syngenta Crop Protection), a herbicide that only kills grasses (Poaceae), was increasing among wildland weed warriors. FUSILADE FORTE 150 EC A12715A HERBICIDAS Veiklioji medžiaga – fluazifop-p-butilas 150 g/l (15,77%). Complete degradation of formulations sold today (composed primarily of the R-isomer), therefore, may take longer than the S- and R-isomer fluazifop-butyl mixture. Erbicid selectiv pentru combaterea buruienilor graminee anuale și perene din culturile de floarea-soarelui, rapiță, sfeclă, viță de vie, măr, păr, cais, nectarin, cartofi, legume. Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando-se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. Büyük miktarlarda. . Depending on the climatic conditions and rate, an application of FUSILADE FORTE can eliminate three to four mowings. FLUMYZIN 500 - Bula ADAPAR - adapar. COMPATIBILITYFUSILADE® Forte is a herbicide for the selective post emergence control of Annual and Perennial Grasses in a wide range of broadleaf crops, including Orchards, Forestry and Ornamentals. Ver Preço. Design and Performance. André Cruz. 400 g a. With its quick mode of action, Fusilade ® DX herbicide offers superior post-emergence weed management for cotton and soybeans, among other. Fusilade 250 EWé um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando-se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. FISPQ_Cola Branca da Leo PVA. (3-6 oz. 055 PC din 29. Fosfato Monoamônico. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. However when compared to the agricultural situations upon which most graminicide recommendations are currently based, regenerating woodlands usually contain larger specimens of a wider range of grass weed species. 5 and 75 g ha-1. 28. Formulare. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONFOXTROT® 69 EW/FENOVA® SUPER ; FUSILADE MAX®. 125-. (Viveiro de mudas) Mancha-de-olho-pardo Cercospora coffeicola 35 mL/100 L de água 100 a : SCORE Bula. 18002001310 - Toll free / 020 30699533/ 020 66845533. COMPATIBILITY"Intermediando negócios (45)3038-1011. Fusilade® DX Herbicide is a systemic herbicide which moves from the treated foliage into the shoots, roots, rhizomes, stolons, and. Foarte eficient în combaterea diferitelor tipuri de rugini. Thorough coverage of all weed plant foliage is important for good activity. Start by pouring a half gallon of water into your handheld pump sprayer for use in your general-purpose applications. para a mistura: Utilizado como anti-inflamatrio, analgsico e antipirtico veterinrio. Fusilade II is NOT labeled for home lawns, check top of page 20 of the pdf from the syngenta website. Nome Técnico: Fluazifope-P-Butílico. É um herbicida muito ativo e específico para o controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes nas culturas do algodão, alface, cebola, cenoura, batata, feijão, soja, tomate, girassol. f FUSILADE. Next : Active Ingredient Name Percent Active; Fluazifop-P-butyl: 24. PRIMENA: Preparat Fusilade Forte se primenjuje kao selektivni translokacioni herbicid za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih travnih korova u ratarskim usevima ( suncokret, soja, šećerna repa i uljana repica. (Fusilade ® 250 EW); 2) metribuzin at . 18002001310 - Toll free / 020 30699533/ 020 66845533. FUSILADE FORTE might result in the multiplication of broadleaf weeds because competition with grasses is reduced. fabianoluciano. )FUSILADE FORTE Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No. 1 - IDENTIFICAÇÃO Nome do produto (nome KARATE ZEON 250. fusilade 250 ew 21000. Fusilade DX Herbicide does not control broadleaf weeds or sedges (nutgrass). Fusilade Forte este erbicid sistemic postemergent, foarte activ in combaterea buruienilor graminee anuale si perene din culturile cu frunza lata. polo_500_sc_0. Acest mod de activitate dă posibilitatea produsului de a acţiona preventiv, curativ. 1. Folicur-250-EW-Label_12-28-20_ac. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A12460A Use: Herbicide Product identifier on label: FUSILADE® II TURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1. Amounu lbla Spray FUSIl. It can be applied to residential lawns and flowerbeds to eliminate various annual and perennial grass weeds. Belt is very active and rainfast quickly. Fusilade 250 EW (fluazifop-p-ethyl) – é indicado para o controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes na cultura da cebola, devendo-se observar a espécie a ser controlada e seu estádio de crescimento para a escolha da dose a ser aplicada. 2019 Bayer AG Jiangsu FORMULADOR: CLASSIFICAÇÃO TOXICOLÓGICA: I - EXTREMAMENTE TÓXICO CLASSIFICAÇÃO DO POTENCIAL DE PERICULOSIDADE AMBIENTAL: II - PRODUTO MUITO PERIGOSO AO MEIO AMBIENTE Registrado no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - MAPA sob nº. Orius 25® EW is a broad spectrum, fungicidal, fungicidal, protective and therapeutic system for fungal diseases. Raquel Souza. Schyster Fusilade Top Speed: The actual top speed of the Fusilade in GTA V is 117. 2. 11. 2022. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Para mais informações vide bula. . 14 oz/1000 sq. ) of a nonionic surfactant. CARACTERÍSTICAS / BENEFICIOS CARACTERÍSTICAS BENEFICIOS Herbicida selectivo. Call 1800 804 479 and speak with our technical enquiries team, or ask us a question below. No. FORMULACIJA: Koncentrat za emulziju (EC) AKTIVNA MATERIJA: Fluazifop-p-butil 150 g/l. FISPQ. The instructions from the Fusilade Product Label for this application are copied below. Adama. Utilize este produto de acordo com as recomendações em rótulo e bula. Fusilade Forte utilizeaza tehnologia avansata Isolink, care permite o absorbtie superioara, valorificand la maxim puterea substantei active. 5%. Values are not product specifications. . Luvas de proteção adequadas. Orius 250 EW - FNG56796-27 Revision Date 11-Nov-2020 Skin Contact Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water while removing all contaminated clothes and shoes. O Fusilade Max é um herbicida sistémico que atua por absorção foliar sendo transportado às raízes e aos ápices vegetativos das infestantes, via xilema e floema. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Raquel Souza. 11773-IA-01VWC EPA Est. Chemical Group. A. Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando-se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. FISPQ- OLÉO SOLUVEL SINTLUB 150 X EXTRA. Bula Completa- 04. The car's overall design, especially the grille, roofline, and hood, are based on the North American styling of the Chrysler Crossfire. se tornem adultas. They tried to "spot spray" rather than apply the 4 oz per acre. EPA Reg. Veiklioji medžiaga tebukonazolas – sisteminio veikimo fungicidas, turintis apsauginį. View Carmen Ohori-Bula’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. DO NOT USE A CROP OIL CONCENTRATE WITH FUSILADE II TURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE ON ORNAMENTALS. Wesley Amanda Rodrigues. throughout the plant to the growing points. pr. Utilizar de 30 a 40 L de calda por hectare. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A12460A Use: Herbicide Product identifier on label: FUSILADE® DX HERBICIDE Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1-800-888-8372 Product No. Fast and Reliable results, Fusilade Max is a fast acting formulation utilising Isolink technology for optimised performance. *Obs. Nº 9, Weijiu Road, Hangzhou Bay Shangyu. Use: Herbicide . pr. Apply FUSILADE DX herbicide at 12 to 16 oz. Fusilade Forte is a superior post emergence grass weed herbicide which is used in fruits and vegetables. Maxim Xl Professional 1. en Change Language Change Language FUSILADE MAX containing fluazifop-P-butyl is a herbicide for control of wild-oats, volunteer. 3 Climatic conditions: Warm, humid conditions are advantageous for good weed control with. FUSILADE® Forte je selektivni translokacioni herbicid sa kontaktnim delovanjem, za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih travnih korova u ratarskim usevima, voću i povrću. Fluazifop-P is a member of the “fop” group of herbicides. Read the latest magazines about • Solo: retire as camad and discover magazines on Yumpu. FISPQ - CYPRESS. There is no Inactive Alternate Brand. 1. 7, 1. Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando-se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. CAUTION See additional Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use inside booklet. colo das plantas. : 2. FUSILADE® II TURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE 1. /ha. Fusilade® DX Herbicide formulation is an emulsifiable concentrate (EC). Fusilade Forte, her türlü ilaçlama aleti ile uygulanabilir. AZAKA®. Fosfato Monoamônico. cereals and other grass weeds, post-emergence in broad-leaved crops and other situations. Eu li e estou de acordo com a. Substanța activă inhibă diviziunea celulară. Fusilade II has a short soil residual and does not affect the germination of most. 2023 6/11 Viscosity, dynamic No data available Viscosity, kinematic No data available Surface tension 49. 5 7. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. 500 48 0. FISPQ-AGIPROCLEENE-DESINFETANTE. PROOF. Results obtained from this experiment indicated that, unrestricted weed growth significantly reduced fresh pod yield (kg/fed) by 67. Mode of Action. Realizar no máximo 2 aplicações. 3/9. com As gotas devem ter um diâmetro de 250 a 300 micras com 30 a 40 gotas/cm2. f FUSILADE. FUSÃO EC - Paraná. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Tebuconazole penetrates the plant and is distributed evenly in the leaves thus protecting the crop against disease. INSTRUÇÕES DE USO. 94 KB) download. as partes aéreas das plantas, e principalmente dirigindo o jato de pulverização para a região do. Formulation Type. Use the higher rate for tall or dense grass weed infestation. HI7007_FISPQ. FUSILADE 2E is a systemic herbicide which moves from the treated foliage into the rhizomes, stolons and growing points (meristematic regions) of treated grass weeds. Contains 250 g / l of Tebuconazole.